Drake Legal

Have You Been the Victim of a Motorcycle Accident in Georgia?

Representing a motorcycle crash victim differs significantly from representing a car accident victim. In an effort to distort or change the facts of the accident in their favor, insurance companies begin contacting witnesses, crash participants, and investigators. When you deal with us, we’ll work to secure witness statements right away so they can’t subsequently lie. To preserve all the physical evidence, we frequently use seasoned engineers to survey the site, take measurements, and look for signs of skids and other roadway damage. The insurance company will fight your claim more aggressively if there are major injuries so they can avoid paying you reasonably.

Our lawyers at Drake Legal have years of experience preparing for trials against major insurance companies. In fact, the fact that we have a track record of winning motorcycle accident cases at trial has made insurance companies more willing to settle cases for our clients. Simply enough, our past trial successes help our present and prospective clients.

Motorcycle Accidents Can Result in the Most Serious of Injuries

Of all motor vehicle accidents, motorcycle accidents can cause the most severe injuries. In contrast to regular car accidents, motorcycle accidents frequently result in more serious injuries. Usually, the outcomes are disastrous and even lethal. The following types of injuries caused by motorcycle accidents are some that our firm has a lot of experience representing in court:

  • Acute Brain Injury
  • Spinal Cord Damage
  • Paraplegia, Quadriplegia, and other forms of Paralysis
  • Amputations

You need an attorney who is familiar with your injuries and has expertise dealing with your physicians and medical specialists if you have suffered a major injury as a result of a motorcycle accident so that you have a chance at receiving just compensation.

Contact the Drake Legal team at 404-425-9637.